If you have an emergency outside of our regular business hours, Stream Valley Veterinary Hospital recommends that you call the nearest veterinary emergency facility. The closest pet ER to us is Animal Emergency & Critical Care at TLC - The LifeCentre.
Unfortunately, pets will sometimes eat food or non-food items that can be dangerous or even toxic. In case of such an emergency, we're here for you (and, outside of our business hours, so is Animal Emergency and Critical Care at TLC in Leesburg)!
You'll also want to contact a pet poison control hotline, such as:
ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435)
Pet Poison Helpline (855-764-7661)
When you call, you should be ready with the following:
1. A credit card (there is a consult fee)
2. Label or other description of the ingested item
3. Pen and paper (to write down instructions and case/reference number)
4. Age, breed, and approximate weight of your pet
You do your best to be safe and careful, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared with this information!